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English IV


Hello Seniors!!!!!!  I miss you all and hope that you are staying safe :)   

We will begin working on assignments in Canvas.  Go to Office 365 on the CISD main page; login with. Your student I'd and password (like you log on at school).  Click on the apps and select Canvas.        

Or you can go to Hello ID CISD and login the same way.  

You must complete the assignments each week to get credit for the course.  

I will be available for Office hours Tuesdays, Wednesdays, abd Fridays from 10-11 and 4-5; also I am handing out mealas at First Babptist Church Mondays and Thursdays from 10-12 if you want to speak to me in person--from 6 ft away :) of course  To get to Canvas easily go to:  

To Email me during Office Hours (or any time) go to:  or you can email me @      

I will be available to answer questions from 10-11 and 4-5 Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.  Use the Inbox Icon on the left of the Blue bar in Canvas.     

Discipline Policy:
Talley's Policy