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Counseling Center

 Welcome to our CHS Counseling Center. As school counselors, we are committed to serving the academic, career and personal/social needs of all our students. We believe that all students can develop and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, abilities and character needed to live productive and rewarding lives.

Counselors have been trained to provide support to students in meeting and overcoming personal issues such as grief, stress, conflict resolution as well as crisis intervention. Counselors assist students in developing a plan for their education and future career. Students are assigned counselors based on their last name.   School Counselors & Confidentiality

While it is important that a student’s conversations with a school counselor be kept confidential, confidentiality does have its limitations. According to the American School Counselor Association’s Ethical Standards for School Counselors, counselors must “keep information confidential unless legal requirements demand that confidential information be revealed or a breach is required to prevent serious and foreseeable harm to the student” (American School Counselor Association [ASCA], 2010).

The most frequent type of breaches include a student verbalizing the following:

  • Verbal, Physical or Sexual Abuse Neglect
  • A desire to harm him/herself
  • A desire to harm someone else
  • An unreported sexual assault


Meet Our Team


Patricia Daniels



Kayla Grounds

Kayla Grounds

Senior Counselor


Meagen Rucks

Junior Counselor


Lori Kirby

Lori Kirby

Sophomore Counselor


April Marshall  Sophomore Counselor

April Marshall

Sophomore Counselor


Tiffany Warren -CHS/ District SPED

Tiffany Warren

CHS/District SPED Counselor


Andrea Boruk - CHS/DAEP Student Support

Andrea Boruk CHS/DAEP Student Support


Rachel Bruce - CHS Student Support

Rachel Bruce

CHS Student Support